Recycling - Keep Chester County Beautiful

315 Talley Store Rd.
Henderson, TN 38340
(731) 989-9855
(731) 989-9918

The Mission

West Tennessee Recycling HubThe mission of Keep Chester County Beautiful is to provide leadership and promote stewardship in our community through litter prevention, beautification, recycling, and environmental education.

In 2015, Chester County Solid Waste & Recycling Department became a certified local affiliate of Keep America Beautiful/ Keep Tennessee Beautiful dedicated to changing attitudes and behavior towards environmental issues such as littering and recycling. Our programs focus on education, litter reduction, recycling and beautification of Chester County.

In 2018, Chester County Solid Waste Department & Keep Chester County Beautiful launched their "Volunteer to Recycle" campaign. Recycling and Litter prevention plays an important role in our community and Keep Chester County Beautiful will continue to educate residents, business, and schools. The Recycle Bowl, Great
American Cleanup, America's Recycle Day, and National Planting Day are a few
other programs Keep Chester County Beautiful participates in every year.