Norma Meissner, Administrative Assistant
PO Box 183
159 East Main Street
Henderson, TN 38340
(731) 983-0121
(731) 608-7984 Cell
» Email
Office Hours - Tuesday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
If you’re planning a building project, locating a new structure, relocating a structure, demolishing a structure, subdividing property, changing existing zoning, or you have any property maintenance, permitting, on zoning concerns, contact us before you start. Permits are required in most all cases with very few exceptions.
A permit is required for any construction valued at $2,000.00 or more. This includes all structures, additions, decks, porches, carports, swimming pools and accessories buildings (purchased or built on site). This also applies to mobile/manufactured homes and prefabricated buildings as well, again this applies to all structures.
Residential building permits are required in all of Chester County now and have been since 2017. The county also authorized the City of Henderson to manage and enforce building permits, zoning permits and subdividing permits, regulations, resolutions and ordinances long before that time. In 2021 the county building permit requirements and the International Residential Codes were updated to adopt the 2018 International Residential Codes. All building codes require updating every seven years or as directed by the state. Our last update included all accessory buildings and a fee schedule update as well.
The city planning region is the county area of land located just outside city limits which completely surrounds the city. This area is currently managed by the City of Henderson Building and Zoning Department. The remaining county area is managed by the County Building and Zoning Department. The county and city permit requirements and fees practically mirror one another at this point.
Failure to secure a building, zoning or subdividing permit is a Class C misdemeanor. It is unlawful to erect, construct, reconstruct, alter, maintain or use any building or structure or to use any land in violation of any regulation in any provision of any ordinance or any amendment thereof enacted or adopted by the county legislative body under the authority of this part. With all property maintenance violation or illegal erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, maintenance or use continues is deemed a separate offense and you can be charged accordingly. To avoid any issues with the above contact our office, secure a permit and maintain your property in a safe and healthy manner.
View the links below for more information
Permit Process | Exempt Work | Subdividing/Subdivision
** Please don’t hesitate to call or email your questions or concerns**
Provide our county residents and other stakeholders with a local one stop solution for almost all things related to building, zoning, permitting and property maintenance within the county area.
This department works in a spirit of partnership to proactively find solutions to problems affecting the livability, health, safety and welfare of the community. Facilitate safe, well-constructed, affordable, and sustainable structures within our community.
For a Vibrant, Healthy, Beautiful County
Provide necessary code requirements, tools and resources that promote safety, health, and welfare of the community while assisting community members with building safe, professional, and quality structures all while building public trust.
Working Together to Make a Difference
Core Values:
Fair - open, honest, objective, impartial, unbiased, and balanced
Firm - persistent, resilient, vigorous and timely
Factual - knowledgeable, thorough and accurate
Flexible - recognize the unique aspects of every case while constantly working to achieve compliance.
Compassion, Integrity & Effectiveness
Code Official Primary Functions:
Code adoption, administration, and enforcement
Code Enforcement Essentials:
Enforce the code
Review construction documents
Issue permits, notices, and orders
Conduct inspections
Maintain records
Make interpretations
Adopt policies and procedures
Approve modifications and alternatives
Authority Limits
Cannot waive code requirements
Cannot require more than the code
Desirable Outcomes for Building Departments:
Public Trust
Safe Buildings
Code Enforcement Officers Work With:
The General Public, Contractors, Building Inspectors, Animal Control, Sheriff / Police Department, Fire Department, Public Works, Property Assessor, Health Department, State Agencies and Neighborhood Associations
Code Typically Enforced:
Zoning, Subdivision Development, Nuisance Resolution, Sign Resolution, Encampments, Dangerous Buildings, Trash, Garbage & Debris, Overgrown/Noxious Vegetation, Inoperable/Abandoned Vehicles, Non-Permitted Uses, International Building Code
Building Permit Valuations:
Permit valuations shall include total value of the project, including materials and labor, for which the permit is being issued such as, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and permanent systems. If, in the opinion of the Building Official, the valuation is underestimated on the application, the permit shall be denied unless the applicant can show detailed, the total construction value to meet the approval of the Building Official.
* We’ll be adding a link or online page in the near future for permitting, fees and more *
Please stay tuned and contact me at the office number above or via an email.